Choosing Your 10 Notes Intermediate Handpan

 Okay, so you have been playing the handpan for quite some time till now. In other words, your beginner days are over and you are now in a position to upgrade.

 Having learnt all that you have in your beginner days, you now feel it’s time to get a new handpan, one that comes with more notes to take your practice sessions to the next level.

 In other words, what you are looking for right now is a 10 notes intermediate handpan. Right? Then, you are on the right page, for we are in this article, going to tell you some things about the 10 notes intermediate handpan.


Notes On A Handpan

 As you would have already known by now, handpans are diatonic instruments, which means they can be tuned to certain notes in order to make up a scale.

 That said, handpans come with varying notes, from those with as few as three notes to those that can have as many as 10 or even 12 notes.

 This is the reason why for a beginner, it is only advisable to practice with a handpan that comes with a few notes.

 But now that you are an intermediate, and seem to be more confident, why not take up a handpan with ten notes.


Why Go For the 10 Note Handpan

 A standard handpan is one that comes with eight to nine notes. But today, we are looking at more than a standard handpan, one that comes with 10 notes.

 This way, you have a greater scope to experiment and also a greater scope to make mistakes. No, this is not to scare you but rather prepare you on what to expect, now that you are a more serious player in the intermediate level.

The Importance Of the Right Purchase

 This makes it all the more important to choose the right ten notes intermediate handpan. Make sure that you know your manufacturer, or rather the brand that you are buying the handpan from.

 And once you got your new handpan home, it is time to get more serious. You may need some practice with things like tuning, experimenting with the notes and the volume, the timber and so on.

 All this can require quite some time and more than that, patience on your part, and so make sure you have an abundance of both. And then, before you know it, your dedication will be rewarded and you will soon be playing your 10 notes intermediate handpan like a pro.


A Word From Takdrum, the Handpan Brand

 And so, before you go let’s leave you with a word about one of the best brands of handpans, Takdrum. Established in the year 2015 with the aim of developing and producing handpans, this is one of the most trustworthy brands of handpans that we have today, praised and recognised by experts from different parts of the world.

 Here you can shop to find some of the best 10 note handpans especially designed for the intermediate level player.

 Spend some time having a look at the different models available online, having a closer look at the various features till you finally arrive at what you think should be your perfect 10 note handpan.

